Author: Steve K

Cannabis 101

Cannabis has shown positive results with the following conditions. Alzheimer -reduces agitation and stimulate weight gain Cancer -reduces the side effects of chemotherapy Chronic Pain -reduces inflammation and neuropathic pain Diabetes -Slows progression, protects the eyes, reduces nerve pain Dystonia -Reduces muscle tension and contractions Fibromyalgia -reduces pain and muscle spasm, improves sleep Gastrointestinal disorders […]

Vapor Path

What does Vapor Path mean? The vapor path is the path that the vapor goes through.  This is basically from the bowl to what delivers the vapor to your mouth.  The vapor path could be the full whip setup like on a Silver Surfer, or a bag such as the Super Surfer and Volcano vaporizers […]

How to melt frit into glass for a pipe, cup or anything you want

Frit is an amazing glass form that is easy to use.  We have heard people say they struggle with melting in frit.  This is mostly because they are not using enough heat to melt in the frit.  In this video, we will go over the best way to get the frit melted in so you […]


What is the meaning of Elbo? An Elbo is equal to one pound of cannabis.  This is an underground term that has been used for decades. More info on Elbo So now in Colorado, if you want to be technical, or more important, legally compliant, 453.592 grams is the official weight of a standard pound […]


What is the meaning of Crow? A word commonly used to describe very nice cannabis bud; More on Crow This term is rarely used and the term dank means the same but is used way more in the industry.


What does 420 mean? 420 means its time to smoke so cannabis.  This can actually be a time of day, time of year or just a way to say hey, lets smoke some pot without people who do not smoke cannabis know you are about to vape cannabis. More Info on 420 So far the […]

Alien Skin

What does Alien Skin Mean? Alien Skin is a form of encasement and many times a form of bubble trap.  Elev8 Premier makes alien skin by fuming a tube with gold and silver that has been rolled to get indents  These indents become small air bubbles while also allowing the fume to concentrate. More Info on Alien […]

Dub Sack

What does Dub Sack mean? A dub sack is a measure of cannabis that costs $20.  It’s not really a weight as prices are different around the world, yet a dub sack is always $20 worth of weed. Or its a new bag from Steve K. More info on Dub Sack Back in the day, a […]


What does Holistic mean? Holistic means encompassing the whole of a thing, and not just the part. Holistic medicine looks at the whole person for answers, not just at physical symptoms.   Holism is the idea that systems (physical, biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic) and their properties should be viewed as wholes, not just as a collection of […]


What does Lit mean? Something that is fucking amazing in any sense. More info on Lit Contrary to popular modern belief, Lit is a term used to describe mildly intoxicated. It was often used by blues and jazz musicians in the 40s, 50s and 60s to describe the “sweet spot” in which someone was drunk enough to be relaxed and […]
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Elev8 with the new Elev8R vaporizer

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