Synthetic Fertilizer

What does Synthetic Fertilizer mean?

Synthetic fertilizers are man-made, inorganic fertilizers. They are normally derived from the by-products of the petroleum industry and include such ingredients as potassium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, superphosphate, and ammonium nitrate.

Most synthetic fertilizers do not contain as many of the micronutrients that plants frequently require for healthy growth. Synthetic fertilizers tend to be made up of a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur.

More on Synthetic Fertilizer

There are many forms of synthetic fertilizers on the market, including all-purpose fertilizer, lawn fertilizer, ornamental plant fertilizer, quick-release fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer, and so on. The majority of these will include the ratios of nutrients they contain via the N-P-K ratio, expressed as (10-10-10).

A plant cannot distinguish between organic or inorganic/synthetic fertilizers. But, unlike organic fertilizers, adding synthetic fertilizers to the soil frequently kills beneficial soil microorganisms due to how strong they are. Fortunately, more and more research is being down on modern-day fertilizer formulas to counter this effect of synthetic fertilizers.

When using synthetic fertilizers, application instructions should always be closely followed because synthetic fertilizers are made up of chemicals that may harm a plant’s roots if applied too heavily. Many growers find themselves using a combination of organic and synthetic fertilizers.

Synthetic fertilizers are often released quickly into the soil, unlike organic fertilizers. The rapid rate of release causes the plant to readily absorb the fertilizer and often makes the plant grow abundant top growth, but not a sufficient root system to hold the plant upright.

Plants fertilized with synthetic fertilizers often boast weaker growth and are more disease-prone.

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